We support our policyholders to face their future with confidence. This is in line with our mission and values. It is our responsibility to provide our policyholders with information to assess the performance of and risks taken by the Company and assist them in their decision making process.

We are a member of Swiss Life Group one of Europe’s leading providers of life insurance, long-term savings and protection products. Having established our presence in Singapore since 2008, we are committed to being a leading provider of life insurance solutions for high net worth individuals in Asia.

You may refer to our Annual Report lodged and made publicly available by ACRA and our website for information on our company and Swiss Life Group.


We embrace good corporate governance principles and practice to safeguard the interests of our stakeholders. Our practices are inline with the corporate governance requirements in Singapore.

You may refer to our website for information on our corporate governance and enterprise risk management practices.


Insurance contracts are contracts under which one party (the insurer) agrees to compensate the other party (the policyholder) if a specified uncertain future event affects the policyholder. In this regard, the Company ensures that all insurance risks are identified and thoroughly assessed and that the insurance premiums accurately reflect the risk taken. The level of risk taken must be in line with the Company’s strategy and risk policy while meeting profitability targets.

You may refer to our Annual Report lodged and made publicly available by ACRA for information on our material insurance risk exposures.

Technical provisions are the amounts that an insurer sets aside to meet its insurance obligations and pay all commitments to policyholders and other beneficiaries that arise during the lifetime of the portfolio. Estimates, assumptions and judgments are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the relevant circumstances. 

Information on the determination of our technical provisions can be found in our Annual Report lodged and made publicly available by ACRA.


The Company has a sound capital position and complies with the minimum fund solvency requirements and the minimum capital adequacy obligations prescribed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The Company conducts its Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (“ORSA”) once every three years to assess the impact on the statutory capital adequacy given the risk exposure. The ORSA report is presented to the Board and the Board approves the report.

For information on capital adequacy, please refer to our Annual Report lodged and made publicly available by ACRA.

The Company classifies its financial assets as loans and receivables, and financial assets at fair value through profit and loss. The classification depends on the type of asset and the purpose for which the assets were acquired.
purpose for which the assets were acquired.

For information on our financial instruments, please refer to our Annual Report lodged and made publicly available by ACRA.

Information on financial performance can be found here and in our Annual Report lodged and made publicly available by ACRA.


Swiss Life (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 250 North Bridge Road #37-04 Raffles City Tower Singapore 179101 enquiries@swisslife.com | Tel: +65 6580 66 80 | Fax: +65 6580 66 83